The Fog Day

Today was a radical departure from “the fog” at The Pond yesterday…

The above was written last evening.  Very challenging days for multiple reasons.

Before presenting some of these challenges, let me focus on the three days at The Pond, beginning with Tuesday, the 23:

This was the first “Fog Day” of the year at Sunrise Time.  Will be interested in what the pictures show.

Clearly, one does not get that feeling “you can see forever.”  However, on a quick second thought, “Yes you can.  Because your know The Sun is there beyond The For.”   Something to think about when we are feeling “in the fog.”

Now, yesterday, was entirely different:

Long before The Sun arose, it’s impact was observed as clouds all 36degrees around the horizon were changing colors from dark to light in many shades.  In The East the The Sun’s Light was stunning. Brilliant streaks of gold being cast toward the still ice covered water sent messages to the imagination.

Today, Thursday, January 25th brought yet another flow of powerful forces from the world being observed and the inner sensations of wonder, reflection and vision.

After taking pictures from “Parkman Slop, “traveled to the place at The Water’s Edge where I have been each day as a second location for a different perspective, primarily to get The Island into a place with the Boathouse,  Gazebo, and The Village Steeple in the far off background…

Hopefully, the pictures will be worth a thousand words as each of us as equal persons may develop our own views as we share with others…

Now, back to a specific challenge.  The reason for this writing, and a bit more.  My agreement is to write something about the experience at The Pond each morning.  Clearly I am taking this challenge to outline much more.  Namely, “60 Years in the Trenches, along the Water’s Edges and much more.”

Challenge one is how do I keep the record of these writings.


One Comment Add yours

  1. Valerie says:

    Emotions. Feelings. A word is worth a thousand pictures. Together they convey and meet the challenge.


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